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Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Circuit DIY 100W LM3886 Parallel Stereo Power Amplifier
100W LM3886 Parallel Stereo Power Amplifier
Hi, meet with me again now i try to share for 100W LM3886 Parallel Stereo Power Amplifier This amplifier is based on the PA100 line amplifier elaborate in Nationalist Semiconductor's coating tell - AN1192. Since my DIY speaker is 4-ohm and somewhat challenging to swing, I poorness to tally a much effectual amplifier to deal with it. Therefore I designed this amplifier which uses two LM3886 per water, in nonconvergent track.This amp can present some 50W into a 8-ohm talker and 100W into a 4-ohm talker. This is a stereo amplifier and thence 4 LM3886s are old. The LM3886 circuit is in a non-inverted plan, so the signaling resistivity is settled by the input resistor R1, i.e. 47k. The 680 ohm and 470pF resistance capacitor strain cloth is misused to filter out the int {shot out the steep frequency noise at the LM3886 sign pins. I old upper grade frequence mark capacitors at individual locations: 1uF Auricap at the signaling for DC interference, 100uF Blackgate for C2 and C6, and 1000uF Blackgate at the render strain.for more information i fount the source for Circuit DIY 100W LM3886 Parallel Stereo Power Amplifier here
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Simple Crystal Tester Circuit Diagram
Simple Crystal Tester Circuit Diagram. Most electronics project working with high frequency utilizes crystal in order to generate frequency as oscillator. It is used instead of coil. Coil can be checked with multi-meter if there is any fault, but checking of crystal completely is difficult. In order to solve this problem a simple project using few components is designed call crystal tester.
This circuit consist two NPN transistors, two diode with few passive component. The crystal under test is combining with transistor T1 which further work as oscillator. The combination of transistor T1, crystal under test and capacitors C1 and C2 is work as colpiitt oscillator. If the testing crystal is good then it works as oscillator with transistor T1. The output of oscillator is rectified and filtered by diode D1 and capacitor C2 respectively and given to base of transistor T2. The signal given to base conduct transistor which further glow the LED connected to the collector through resistor R3. If the testing crystal is faulty then LED1 does not glow.
Simple Crystal Tester Circuit Diagram

Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon unless stated otherwise)
R1 = 27 KΩ
R2 = 1 KΩ
R3 = 560 Ω
C1 = 0.001 µF
C2 = 100 pF
C3 = 0.001 µF
C4 = 0.004 µF
D1, D2 = 1N4148
T1, T2 = BC550C
LED1 = Green
SW1 = push to on switch
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon unless stated otherwise)
R1 = 27 KΩ
R2 = 1 KΩ
R3 = 560 Ω
C1 = 0.001 µF
C2 = 100 pF
C3 = 0.001 µF
C4 = 0.004 µF
D1, D2 = 1N4148
T1, T2 = BC550C
LED1 = Green
SW1 = push to on switch
Simple 300w Subwoofer Power Amplifier Wiring Circuit Diagram
Simple 300w Subwoofer Power Amplifier Wiring Circuit Diagram

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Remote Field Strength Meter Circuit Diagram
Remote Field Strength Meter Circuit Diagram. This field strength meter consists of a tuned crystal detector producing a dc output voltage from a transmitted signal. The dc voltage is used to shift the frequency of a transmitter of 100-mW power operating at 1650 kHz. The frequency shift is proportional to the received field strength. This unit has a range of several hundred feet and is operated under FCC part 15 rules (100-mW max power into a 2-m-iong antenna between 510 and 1705 kHz).
Remote Field Strength Meter Circuit Diagram

Simple Hard Disk Selector Circuit Diagram

In the last few years, the available range of operating systems for PCs has increased dramatically. Various free (!) operating systems have been added to the list, such as BeOS, OpenBSD and Linux. These systems are also available in different colours and flavours (versions and distributions). Windows is also no longer simply Windows, because there are now several different versions (Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, XP, Vista and 7). Computer users thus have a large variety of options with regard to the operating system to be used. One problem is that not all hardware works equally well under the various operating systems, and with regard to software, compatibility is far from being universal. In other words, it’s difficult to make a good choice.
Hard Disk Selector Circuit Diagram

Switching from one operating system to another - that’s a risky business, isn’t it? Although this may be a bit of an exaggeration, the safest approach is still to install two different operating systems on the same PC, so you can always easily use the ‘old’ operating system if the new one fails to meet your needs (or suit your taste). A software solution is often used for such a ‘dual system’. A program called a ‘boot manager’ can be used to allow the user to choose, during the start-up process, which hard disk will be used for starting up the computer. Unfortunately, this does not always work flawlessly, and in most cases this boot manager is replaced by the standard boot loader of the operating system when a new operating system is installed.
In many cases, the only remedy is to reinstall the software. The solution presented here does not suffer from this problem. It is a hardware solution that causes the primary and secondary hard disk drives to ‘swap places’ when the computer is started up, if so desired. From the perspective of the computer (and the software running on the computer), it appears as though these two hard disks have actually changed places. This trick is made possible by a feature of the IDE specification called ‘CableSelect’. Every IDE hard disk can be configured to use either Master/Slave or CableSelect. In the latter case, a signal on the IDE cable tells the hard disk whether it is to act as the master or slave device. For this reason, in every IDE cable one lead is interrupted between the connectors for the two disk drives, or the relevant pin is omitted from the connector.

This causes a low level to be present on the CS pin of one of the drives and a high level to be present on the CS pin of the other one (at the far end of the cable). The circuit shown here is connected to the IDE bus of the motherboard via connector K1. Most of the signals are fed directly from K1 to the other connectors (K2 and K3). An IDE hard disk is connected to K2, and a second one is connected to K3. When the computer is switched on or reset, a pulse will appear on the RESET line of the IDE interface. This pulse clocks flip-flop IC1a, and depending on the state of switch S1, the Q output will go either high or low. The state on the Q output is naturally always the opposite of that on the Q output. If we assume that the switch is closed during start-up, a low level will be present on D input of IC1a, so the Q output will be low following the reset pulse.
This low level on the Q output will cause transistor T1 to conduct. The current flowing through T1 will cause LED D1 to light up and transistor T2 to conduct. The hard disk attached to connector K2 will thus see a low level on its CS pin, which will cause it to act as the master drive and thus appear to the computer as the C: drive. A high level will appear on the Q output following the reset pulse. This will prevent T3 and T4 from conducting, with the consequence that LED D2 will be extinguished and the hard disk attached to connector K3 will see a high level on its CS pin. For this disk, this indicates that it is to act as a slave drive (D: drive).
If S1 is open when the reset pulse occurs, the above situation is of course reversed, and the hard disk attached to connector K2 will act as the D: drive, while the hard disk attached to connector K3 will act as the C: drive. Flip-flop IC1a is included here to prevent the hard disks from swapping roles during use. This could have disastrous consequences for the data on the hard disks, and it would most likely cause the computer to crash. This means that you do not have to worry about affecting the operation of the computer if you change the switch setting while the computer is running. The state of the flip-flop, and thus the configuration of the hard disks, can only be changed during a reset.
The circuit is powered from a power connector for a 3.5-inch drive. This advantage of using this connector is that it easily fits onto a standard 4-way header. However, you must observe the correct polarity when attaching the connector. The red lead must be connected to pin 1. Constructing the hard disk selector is easy if the illustrated printed circuit board is used. You will need three IDE cables to connect the circuit. The best idea is to use short cables with only two connectors, with all pins connected 1:1 (no interruption in the CS line). The IDE connector on the motherboard is connected to K1 using one cable. A cable then runs from K2 to first hard disk, and another cable runs from K3 to the second hard disk. This means that it is not possible to connect more than two hard disks to this circuit. You must also ensure that the jumpers of both disk drives are configured for CableSelect. To find out how to do this, refer to the user manual(s) for the drives.
The Latest NASA Launches Instagram Account

The Latest NASA Launches Instagram Account One little step on a social newspapers platform is one giant leap for Instagram. Thats because NASA launched an authorized Instagram account on Friday — a communal profile it says will "take its followers on an out-of-this-world excursion through images of soil and beyond." According to a report issue, with content including aeronautics, astrophysics, soil science and human spaceflight, the NASA account will provide a outlook of the bureau by distributing new and historic images and videos.
On its first day on Instagram, NASA concentrated on the launch of its Lunar Atmosphere and dirt Environment Explorer, or LADEE, at 11:27 p.m. from NASAs Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops isle, Va. NASA states LADEE is a robotic research objective that will orbit the moon to gather data about the structure and composition of the lunar air and determine whether dust is being lofted into the lunar atmosphere.
By 11:30 p.m. ET on Friday, NASA was up to 32,000 followers on Instagram — including 4,000 as of that noon all through the day, NASA posted historic moon images and real-time photographs from the launch convoluted premier up to and encompassing liftoff. As of Saturday, 6,400 Instagram users had admired the LADEE launch likeness.
"Thats the topic for the day - Instagram moon day," states John Yembrick, NASAs communal media supervisor, supplementing the search to the moon would be visible from the Carolinas to Maine. According to Yembrick, NASAs Ames Research Center and Goddard Space air travel Center have living Instagram accounts, which NASA was "testing to glimpse how it went." Instagram is a good platform for the bureau because "NASA is such a visual organization," Yembrick states.
NASA has countless images to share, including those from the Hubble telescope as well as the sun.
"What we launch today with images from the moon is such a dynamic article to tell visually," he adds.
The agency furthermore utilises Flicker, Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to share photos. "NASA is trying to motivate the world to investigation and discovery. Wed actually like to come to out to let people know what were doing in space investigation and how it impacts their lives and forms the world," Yembrick states. "Id also state wed like to hit persons who use the [Instagram] stage. One of the things about [Instagram] is that you proceed on to share an facet of your life and through it you can discover what NASA is doing. You dont necessarily expect to discover, but you can if all of a rapid its in front of you. Its not just images - its telling the NASA story."
Also on Friday, Instagram handed out a tweet to welcome NASA. By the next day, it had been re-tweeted 1,000 times and favorited 500 times. The agencys primary Twitter account, @NASA, has 4.7 million followers, which NASA states is more than any other government bureau.
NASA furthermore has a occurrence on YouTube, Foursquare and Reddit, among other stages.
"Were endeavouring to evolve," Yembrick says. "Weve been on Instagram for awhile, but I wish we were on it sooner. occasionally the government doesnt move as fast, but I think its a large stage for us as we evolve and are endeavouring to come to a different demographic and audience."
NASA was established by leader Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1958. The association states its dream is "to reach for new heights and disclose the unknown so that what we do and learn will advantage all humankind."
On its first day on Instagram, NASA concentrated on the launch of its Lunar Atmosphere and dirt Environment Explorer, or LADEE, at 11:27 p.m. from NASAs Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops isle, Va. NASA states LADEE is a robotic research objective that will orbit the moon to gather data about the structure and composition of the lunar air and determine whether dust is being lofted into the lunar atmosphere.
By 11:30 p.m. ET on Friday, NASA was up to 32,000 followers on Instagram — including 4,000 as of that noon all through the day, NASA posted historic moon images and real-time photographs from the launch convoluted premier up to and encompassing liftoff. As of Saturday, 6,400 Instagram users had admired the LADEE launch likeness.
"Thats the topic for the day - Instagram moon day," states John Yembrick, NASAs communal media supervisor, supplementing the search to the moon would be visible from the Carolinas to Maine. According to Yembrick, NASAs Ames Research Center and Goddard Space air travel Center have living Instagram accounts, which NASA was "testing to glimpse how it went." Instagram is a good platform for the bureau because "NASA is such a visual organization," Yembrick states.
NASA has countless images to share, including those from the Hubble telescope as well as the sun.
"What we launch today with images from the moon is such a dynamic article to tell visually," he adds.
The agency furthermore utilises Flicker, Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to share photos. "NASA is trying to motivate the world to investigation and discovery. Wed actually like to come to out to let people know what were doing in space investigation and how it impacts their lives and forms the world," Yembrick states. "Id also state wed like to hit persons who use the [Instagram] stage. One of the things about [Instagram] is that you proceed on to share an facet of your life and through it you can discover what NASA is doing. You dont necessarily expect to discover, but you can if all of a rapid its in front of you. Its not just images - its telling the NASA story."
Also on Friday, Instagram handed out a tweet to welcome NASA. By the next day, it had been re-tweeted 1,000 times and favorited 500 times. The agencys primary Twitter account, @NASA, has 4.7 million followers, which NASA states is more than any other government bureau.
NASA furthermore has a occurrence on YouTube, Foursquare and Reddit, among other stages.
"Were endeavouring to evolve," Yembrick says. "Weve been on Instagram for awhile, but I wish we were on it sooner. occasionally the government doesnt move as fast, but I think its a large stage for us as we evolve and are endeavouring to come to a different demographic and audience."
NASA was established by leader Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1958. The association states its dream is "to reach for new heights and disclose the unknown so that what we do and learn will advantage all humankind."
Dual Output DC DC Power Supply for AMOLED Displays
This is a dual-output switch mode power supply reference design based on the MAX17116. The part and reference circuit can provide both negative and positive supplies to AMOLED displays. [via]

The MAX17116 includes two current-mode 1.4MHz switch mode power-supply (SMPS) regulators for active-matrix organic light-emitting diode (AMOLED) displays. The positive supply is provided by a step-up regulator with a synchronous rectifier. The negative supply is provided by an inverting regulator with a synchronous rectifier.[Link]
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